Sing Me a Story
Synopsis: It's time for bed, but the kids won't settle down, until Mom starts recreating four
Gilbert & Sullivan stories before their wondering eyes and ears. Enjoy all the wit and melody of the originals,
distilled into a magical fantasy for young imaginations (and the young at heart). The Durham Savoyards sing a
selection of family-friendly favorites to delight both young and old.
Storytelling Scenario and Dialogue written by Alan Riley Jones
Co-Produced by Noelle Paull and Steve Dobbins
Stage Direction and Choreography by Maggie Bunce
Music Direction by Alan Riley Jones
Accompanist J. Samuel Hammond
Choreography for "I Am a Maiden" by Derrick Ivey
Choreography for "When All Night Long" by Noelle Paull
Technical Supervision by Thomas Mauney and Jim Zervas
Prop and Costume Piece Construction by Mary Elizabeth Guy and Noelle Paull
Storytelling Concept by Steve Dobbins
Saturday, October 29, 2011, 8pm
Sunday, October 30, 2011, 3pm
Both performances took place at the Raleigh Little Theatre in Raleigh, NC.
Cast of Characters
At Home:
Mom - Martie Todd Sirois
Josie - Kate Sirois
Freddy - Cooper Moseley
Dad - Stuart Albert
The Story of Princess Ida:
Florian - Stuart Albert
Prince Hilarion - Kevin Shaffer
King Hildebrand - Jay Dunbar
Princess Ida - Lee Galbreath
Cyril - John Adams
Melissa - Laura McClain
The Ghosts' High Noon:
Celebrant - John Adams
Madwoman - Emily Byrne
Dancers - Laura McClain, Bruce Stewart
Roses - Pam Forsythe, Mary Elizabeth Guy, Kim Kingsley
The Story of The Pirates of Penzance:
Pirate King - Stuart Albert
Sergeant of Police - Jay Dunbar
Mabel - Kim Kingsley
Edith - Ruth Winecker
Major-General Stanley - John Adams
Frederic - Kevin Shaffer
Ruth - Emily Byrne
The Story of Iolanthe:
Queen of the Fairies - Ruth Winecker
Iolanthe - Emily Byrne
Strephon - Stuart Albert
Private Willis - Jay Dunbar
Phyllis - Kim Kingsley
Lord Chancellor - John Adams
Lord Tolloller - Kevin Shaffer
I Hear the Soft Note sextet:
Lee Galbreath, Ruth Winecker, Emily Byrne, Kevin Shaffer, John Adams, Jay Dunbar
Chorus of Courtiers, Students, Ghosts, Pirates, Police, Daughters, Fairies, and Lords:
Bobby Cameron, Megan Colborn, Erin Conn, Pam Forsythe, Sonja Foust, Lee Galbreath,
Mary Elizabeth Guy, Houston Horn, Cathy Lambe, Katherine Dunbar Linker,
Laura McClain, Adrienne Richter, Pat Roos, Michael Rowe, Paula Scotland, David Smith,
Nick Staffa, Bruce Stewart, Ruth Winecker
Musical Selections
I Hear the Soft Note ( Patience)
The Story of Princess Ida:
Search Throughout the Panorama - Florian, Courtiers
Today We Meet...Ida Was a Twelvemonth Old - Hilarion
When Hilarion's Bride Has at Length Complied - King Hildebrand, Courtiers
Minerva!...Oh, Goddess Wise - Princess Ida
I Am a Maiden - Hilarion, Cyril, Florian
Death to the Invader! - Melissa, Students
When Anger Spreads His Wing - Courtiers, Students
With Joy Abiding - All
The Ghosts' High Noon:
The Fairies' Incantation (Iolanthe) - Women
J.W. Wells' Incantation (The Sorcerer) - Celebrant
Painted Emblems of a Race (Ruddigore) - Ghosts
When the Night Wind Howls (Ruddigore) - Celebrant, Ghosts
Cheerily Carols the Lark (Ruddigore) - Madwoman
The Story of The Pirates of Penzance:
Pour, oh Pour the Pirate Sherry - Pirate King, Pirates
When the Foeman Bares His Steel - Sergeant, Mabel, Edith, Major-General, Daughters, Police
They Come in Force with Stealthy Stride - Sergeant, Police
With Cat-Like Tread Upon Our Prey We Steal - Pirates, Police
Hush, Hush! Not a Word! - Frederic, Pirates, Police, Major-General
Finale - All
The Story of Iolanthe:
Iolanthe! From Thy Dark Exile - Queen, Iolanthe, Fairies
The Lady of My Love - Strephon, Queen, Lords, Fairies
Henceforth, Strephon, Cast Away - Queen, Fairies, Lords
When All Night Long a Chap Remains - Private Willis
If We're Weak Enough to Tarry - Phyllis, Strephon
My Lord, a Suppliant at Your Feet... He Loves! - Iolanthe
For Him - For Her - For Thee - Iolanthe, Lord Chancellor, Queen, Fairies
Soon as We May - All
I Hear the Soft Note ( Patience)